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20-26 january 2020


The course focused on the analysis of vegetation patterns in different ecosystems. Professor Álvaro Gutiérrez, from the University of Chile, directed this course with the collaboration of researchers Carolina Tovar (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, UK), Harald Bugmann (ETH, Switzerland), Jonathan Barichivic (Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement, France), Rocío Urrutia (Instituto Forestal de Chile) and Aurora Gaxiola (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).

Fifteen students from different Master's and PhD programs from the University of Chile, PUC, PUCV; and from Argentina, the National University of Jujuy, the National University of Cordoba, and the National University of La Plata participated in this course. In addition to classroom lectures, computer and modeling laboratories, and scientific discussion sessions, visits were made to the Alerce Costero and Puyehue National Parks to understand vegetation patterns, their causes and potential future changes in the Los Lagos region.


Why We're Great >

The course was very pertinent and well developed in order, from the theoretical to the practical.

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